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2009-2010 Indians
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1.  1985, 1987, 1988, 1998
2.  Chuck Johnson and Amber Ison
3.  1980
4.  Scotts, Swangos, Kremins
5.  Jody Evans
6.  1956 (Bobby Huffman, Ralph Turley)
7.  Dave Singer, Jody Evans, Randy Meade, Luke Ogden, Andrew Seaman
8.  Jason Kremin, Luke Ogden
9.  Judd Johnson and Duane Miller

10.  David Arey.

11.  Kelly Copeland

12.  Mike Conley

13.  Because of its close proximity to Serpent Mound. 

14.  20 years (they last won the AC Tournament in 1941).

15.  Jeff McCoy (c.o. 1970), Josh Arey (c.o. 1993)

16.  The Indians dropped the final game to Ripley.  Does anyone know the score?

17.  Steve Kremin/Marc Kremin and Terry Myers/Seth Myers.
                    ----Question submitted by Seth Myers

18.  Jamey Brown, class of 1998.

19.  Manchester (1928 state finalist), North Adams (1996), Peebles Lady Indians (1998 state finalist).

20.  Luke Ogden, in a 78-31 victory against Ripley.

21.  1972 and 1973.

22.  Jamey Brown (1998 Lady Indian) played for West Point.
